Why We Still Don’t Use Almond Flour (And Never Will)

Several years ago, while on stage at KetCon—one of the largest keto-based conferences in the world—I declared that I would never eat almonds again.

This statement, especially in a community that often embraces almonds as a low-carb staple, elicited audible gasps and whispers among the audience. I anticipated potential backlash, but our mission to empower people to nourish themselves compelled me to speak the truth. To my surprise, instead of facing criticism, I was met with attendees eager to share their own struggles with oxalate-related health issues, some even moved to tears recounting years of pain and suffering.

My Almond Journey

For years, almonds were my go-to snack. They seemed like the perfect choice: natural, low in carbs, high in protein, crunchy, and delicious. We’d purchase large bags from big-box stores, enjoying their versatility in various culinary applications—from whole nuts to almond flour and almond milk. I even have a deep affection for marzipan, a sweet almond paste, which led our family to visit a traditional marzipan shop in Berlin to witness its creation firsthand.

Nuts were perceived as guilt-free indulgences, something to feel good about. However, my daily almond consumption eventually led to oxalate toxicity, adversely affecting my health. That’s when I took a hard look at almonds—and what I discovered was alarming.

Understanding Oxalates and Anti-nutrients

Nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains are essentially a plant's offspring, and plants have evolved chemical defenses to protect their progeny. These defenses include compounds like oxalates, phytates, and lectins—collectively known as anti-nutrients. While some anti-nutrients can be reduced through food processing methods such as soaking, sprouting, fermenting, or boiling, oxalates are notably resistant to these detoxification strategies. The best way to avoid oxalate toxicity? Minimize or avoid high-oxalate foods altogether.

Almonds are one of the most concentrated sources of oxalates in the modern diet—ranking right up there with spinach, Swiss chard, rhubarb, and sesame seeds.

Alarming Oxalate Levels in Almond Products

Here’s where it gets concerning:

  • Whole Almonds:
    Just ¼ cup (approximately 22 almonds) contains over 120 mg of oxalates. A low-oxalate diet typically recommends limiting oxalate intake to 40–50 mg per day—meaning a single handful of almonds can exceed the daily limit by nearly three times.

  • Almond Flour:
    Almond flour is a concentrated source of oxalates. In just ¼ cup, you’re consuming over 140 mg of oxalates. A single almond flour-based muffin could contain over 250 mg of oxalatesfive times the daily recommended limit.

  • Almond Milk:
    Commercial almond milk tends to have lower oxalate levels than whole almonds, but homemade versions can be far more concentrated. According to a 2015 article in the Journal of Pediatrics, almond milk consumption has been linked to increased cases of kidney stones—even in children. One case study showed that discontinuing almond milk resolved all symptoms.

"Pediatricians should be aware of this potential link." (Ellis & Lieb, 2015)

The Misconception of Almond Products as “Health Foods”

Many people consider almond flour and almond milk “healthier” alternatives to traditional flour and cow’s milk. But the reality is more complicated:

  • Most commercial almond milks contain as little as 2% almonds and are heavily diluted with water, gums, and stabilizers.

  • Almond flour is promoted as a low-carb option, but the high oxalate content makes it far from a "clean" ingredient.

  • Because almonds are often marketed as “natural,” people tend to overconsume them without realizing the cumulative oxalate load.

The problem isn’t an occasional handful of almonds—it’s the constant exposure to almond-based products (flour, milk, butter) that creates oxalate buildup and long-term health problems.

Raw Almonds and the Pasteurization Loophole

Here’s where it gets even trickier:

Since 2007, the USDA has required that all almonds sold in the U.S. must be pasteurized. However, manufacturers are still allowed to label them as “raw.” The two most common pasteurization methods are:

  • Steam pasteurization – Less concerning but still alters the natural properties of the nut.

  • Propylene oxide (PPO) pasteurization – PPO is a known carcinogen. Almonds treated with PPO cannot be sold in the EU or Canada, yet they are still widely sold in the U.S.

Even “raw” almonds are not what they seem.

Antinutrients in Almond Skins

Beyond oxalates, almond skins contain:

  • Phytates – Bind to minerals like calcium, zinc, and magnesium, making them less bioavailable.

  • Lectins – Can damage the gut lining and interfere with nutrient absorption.

  • Tannins – Can inhibit digestive enzymes, leading to impaired digestion.

The skin of the almond is where these compounds are most concentrated, making raw almonds with the skin intact particularly harmful. Removing the skin through blanching can reduce some antinutrients—but the oxalate content remains largely unchanged.

The Environmental Cost of Almonds

The health risks aren't the only concern—almond production carries a staggering environmental cost:

  • It takes over 1.1 gallons of water to produce just one almond.

  • Over 80% of the world’s almonds are grown in California—a state that frequently faces drought conditions.

  • Almond farming requires massive pesticide use, which harms pollinators like bees and contributes to soil degradation.

From both a health and environmental standpoint, almond-based products may not be the sustainable “health food” they’re made out to be.

The “Nuts Were Special” Concept

Did your Grandparents have this?

I remember the nut bowl at my grandparents' house during the holidays. It was a treat. We’d have to work hard to crack the nuts open with a nutcracker and pick out the meat. And we didn’t get to cherry-pick the ones we liked—we had to eat the Brazil nuts and hazelnuts too.

Nuts were expensive, seasonal, and labor-intensive to harvest. That natural limitation kept our consumption in check. Today, the industrial food system has removed those natural barriers—making it far too easy to overconsume almonds and flood our bodies with oxalates.

This is a story from 2019 that I posted - way to easy!

A Better Approach at Modern Stone Age Kitchen

At Modern Stone Age Kitchen, we take a thoughtful, ancestral approach to food preparation. Our goal is to make food as nourishing and bioavailable as possible by relying on traditional techniques like:

  • Wild, long-fermented sourdough for bread, pizza, and pastries to reduce gluten and antinutrients.

  • Fermenting dairy to reduce or eliminate lactose, restore beneficial probiotics, and improve digestibility.

  • Soaking, sprouting, and nixtamalizing grains, seeds, and legumes to reduce phytic acid and other antinutrients.

  • Avoiding refined sugars and artificial sweeteners.

  • Using traditional fats like grass-fed butter, lard, and tallow instead of seed oils.

But oxalates are different. Unlike other antinutrients, oxalates cannot be significantly reduced through soaking, sprouting, fermenting, or cooking. Since we can’t process oxalates out of food, we’ve made the deliberate choice to minimize our use of oxalate-containing ingredients altogether. This means we focus on low- and medium-oxalate foods and avoid high-oxalate foods like almonds, spinach, and Swiss chard

This approach ensures that the food we serve is not only delicious but also safe and nourishing.

The Bottom Line

The occasional handful of almonds is unlikely to harm you—but consistent, long-term exposure to almond-based products is a different story. The cumulative oxalate load from almond flour, almond milk, and whole almonds can contribute to serious health issues over time.

At Modern Stone Age Kitchen, we choose to avoid almond products altogether—not because they’re inherently evil, but because we believe in offering foods that are as safe, nourishing, and sustainable as possible.

So, why don’t we use almond flour? Now you know.

Bill in BJs with Almonds
Dr. Bill Schindler

Dr. Bill Schindler, author of Eat Like a Human, is an anthropologist, chef, and global leader in ancestral foodways. As the Founder of the Food Lab and Executive Chef at Modern Stone Age Kitchen, he transforms ancient techniques into modern practices for nourishing, sustainable eating. Bill’s research and teaching empower people to reconnect with traditional diets and improve health through fermentation, nose-to-tail eating, and other transformative methods.


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